We guarantee that by booking directly with Hotel El Greco you are getting the lowest possible price for your stay. In the rare case that you find your room online or elsewhere at a lower rate, we would be glad to match that rate if you contact us immediately.
🎄Christmas Festive Offer🎄 Can’t wait to plan your Christmas and New Year holidays? Book your stay now for selected dates on December and January and save up to 15%!!!
-Booking period from: 28/11/2024-12/1/2025
-Stay Dates:1/12/2024 - 8/12/2024, 17/12/2024-20/12/2024, 22/12/2024, 2/1/2025 -12/1/2025
-Special Offer Includes Breakfast and its On A Non-Refundable Basis